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Introducing the Latest Software Technology in New Landis+Gyr AMM System Releases

edasYs 1.2 – the new remote meter readout system from Landis+Gyr
edasYs , the most modern central station on the market, is a solution suited to small applications. The edasYs 1.2  solution has been greatly enhanced with shorter data collection intervals (as low as three minutes), faster report generation and management, and an improved user interface.  edasYs 1.2 is now more versatile than ever before; it’s easy to add more meters, including from different manufacturers and using different energy sources, even connecting to multi-energy meters. The solution is finely tuned for faster and more efficient installation and can be set up by anyone, not requiring IT-project management.  With edasYs 1.2, Landis+Gyr is offering you a 90 day trial with full functionality to help with your purchasing decision.

Take your system to the next level with Converge 3.5
Converge 3.5, the upgraded remote readout system, was launched this year offering enhanced functionality and efficiency. The solution is the latest version of the industry-leading Advanced Metering Management (AMM) system for grid metering and the commercial and industrial sector in Europe. It offers a faster data acquisition service due to a new job scheduler helping you make metering data available in even shorter intervals. To improve the Sarbanes Oxley compliance of Converge 3.5, auditing of all Data Processing Template Attributes as been implemented. In addition, the MC Assign tool for the SAP IS-U interface configuration has been integrated allowing you to conveniently assign and un-assign Point-of-Delivery identifiers to the Converge Metering Code identifiers.

As further benefits, Converge 3.5 now supports Excel 2007 for report generation and features enhanced printing capabilities giving you the freedom to choose any printer defined in the Windows operating system. Converge 3.5 is highly compatible with other meters and billing systems thus increasing competitiveness throughout all metering activities, making it industrial Advanced Metering Management at its best.

For more information on our solutions please contact your local Landis+Gyr representative.