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Landis+Gyr signs 100 million € AMI contract with E.ON Sweden

“This contract is a very important part of the AMR implementation in E.ON Sverige AB. This makes it possible for us to reach the target of installing new meters with an automatic reading possibility for all our customers by June 2009”, says Thomas Thorkelsson, Project Manager for the AMR business at E.ON Sverige AB. He looks forward to future cooperation with Landis+Gyr. “Our local partner, Landis+Gyr Enermet, convinced us with a good and flexible technical solution that will help us to improve our service activities and to fulfil our customers' demands. In addition, it will boost our efficiency in meter data handling and processing”, Thor-kelsson points out.

For Landis+Gyr this is the biggest single Advanced Meter Management (AMM) contract the Group has ever signed. “After carrying out major turnkey projects in North and South America and in Europe, this contract is another strategic cornerstone, which underlines our capabilities and positions us as a leading partner for Advanced Metering solutions for energy utilities world-wide”, states Andreas Umbach, President and CEO of Landis+Gyr.

The solution comprises a comprehensive AIM system for automated meter reading and meter data management and 390,000 residential meters, communicating via GPRS and PLC technol-ogy. It also includes 7,000 industrial meters and gas meters for areas in the northern and southern regions of Sweden. Furthermore, the parties have agreed on a six-year contract for Landis+Gyr Enermet to collect and deliver the metering values for E.ON Sverige AB.

“The major challenge in this project lies in the deployment of 390,000 meters in a relatively short period of time. To overcome this challenge, we've planned the project very carefully, together with E.ON Sverige and our partners”, says Hans Alesund, Managing Director of Landis+Gyr Enermet AB, Sweden. For the meter deployment and system operation, Landis+Gyr is partnering with Bravida Sverige AB, Skvader Systems AB and Telia Sonera AB. Implementation will begin in May 2007 and will be completed in spring 2009.

For more information:

Thomas Thorkelsson, Project Director for the AMR-business at E.ON Sverige AB
E-mail: thomas.thorkelsson@eon.se

Pasi Rantanen, Marketing Manager, Landis+Gyr Enermet Europe
E-mail: pasi.rantanen@landisgyr.com / Phone: +358 40 536 7173
Thomas Zehnder, Group Communications, Landis+Gyr,
E-mail: thomas.zehnder@landisgyr.com / Phone: +41 41 935 6019 / Mobile: +41 79 639 0781

About E.ON Sverige:
E.ON Sverige produces and supplies energy and energy-related services to approximately one million customers. The company’s aim is to achieve success on the basis of customer value and social responsibility. The road to achieving this aim includes better service, more efficient energy usage, development of renewable types of energy and a holistic view of the global climate threat. E.ON Sverige has sales of SEK 26 billion and 6,000 employees.

E.ON Sverige is part of E.ON Nordic, one of five market units within the E.ON Group. The E.ON Group comprises about 50 sub-groups and subsidiaries in Europe and the United States. E.ON AG, which is headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany, has annual sales of slightly more than SEK 600 billion and 80,000 employees. E.ON AG is one of the world’s largest private energy companies with more than 30 million customers, mainly in the areas of electricity, gas and heat. E.ON AG is listed on the New York and Frankfurt stock exchanges.

About Landis+Gyr:
Landis+Gyr is the global market leader in electricity metering and a front-runner in advanced metering. Founded in 1896, the company is a pioneer and technology leader in the metering industry. Focused on quality, reliability and innovation, Landis+Gyr offers a complete portfolio of electricity meters, metering systems and Advanced Metering solutions, including automated meter reading (AMR) for residential, commercial, industrial and grid applications, to energy utilities all over the world. The portfolio is completed by heat meters, system solutions for de-mand side management, load and tariff management, prepayment solutions for electricity and gas, and IT systems for meter data acquisition and processing, including complementary ser-vices. In 2006, Enermet became part of Landis+Gyr, establishing Landis+Gyr Enermet as the leading partner for Advanced Metering solutions in the Nordic Region.

Landis+Gyr is headquartered in Zug/Switzerland, employs about 4500 people in 45 companies in 30 countries all over the world, and has a total turnover of 692 million Euro in BY 2006.