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OPEN meter project kicks off to standardise smart multi-metering systems

Landis+Gyr is representing metering providers in the management committee of the Iberdrola-led project, with the goal of providing utilities with open and interoperable products.

“This project aligns with our strategy to provide utilities with interoperable solutions,” said Ad van der Meys, Executive Vice President EMEA, Landis+Gyr. “As a leading energy solutions company we are committed to providing our customers with end to end solutions which take into account technology and industry developments in order to facilitate better energy management.”

The OPEN meter project, recently approved by the European Commission, aims to open up the market of smart metering systems enabling customer participation in energy markets.

The consortium’s balanced partnership between network operators, equipment suppliers, research centres and standardization bodies’ guarantees that the standards developed will be widely accepted within in the industry. Interoperability will eliminate costly incompatibilities arising from proprietary solutions.

Landis+Gyr is involved in numerous workgroups and projects all designed to lead the effort of broadening open standards use in the energy industry. The Company’s recent Advanced Metering Management (AMM) installations with ERDF in France meet the latest European standards. In the Netherlands, Landis+Gyr has been working with manufacturers and utilities to create a Dutch norm which complies with national energy regulations and is largely based on existing IEC standards.

OPEN meter Consortium members are:
Utilities: EDF (FR), ENDESA (ES), ENEL (IT), IBERDROLA and RWE (DE). Also Netbeher Nederland (NL) representing all Dutch utilities.
Meter manufacturers: Landis+Gyr (CH), Actaris (FR), Elster (DE) and ZIV Medida (ES)
Technology partners: Advanced Digital Design (ES), Current (CH), ST Microelectronics (IT) and Usyscom (ES)
Research centres, universities: CESI Ricerca (IT), KEMA (NL) and Karlsruhe University (DE)
Associations: CENELEC (BE) and DLMS User Association (CH)