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Smart Metering for Europe

Brussels, Belgium – January 21 – Leading companies in the European Smart Metering market today launched the European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG), set up to provide knowledge and expertise on Smart Metering and related communications at a European level.

“ESMIG is striving to change the way we consume energy. Together we represent the entire smart metering value chain, but more importantly, we provide a technology that is available today – in the here and now – but is also a key to our energy supply and environmental goals of the future,” said Andreas Umbach, President of ESMIG and COO of Landis+Gyr, in his address today at the Scotland House Conference Centre, Brussels.

Umbach added, “Although not an end in itself, Smart Metering is an indispensible contributor to the three pillars of EU Energy Policy: Competitiveness, Security of Supply and Environmental Protection. Moreover, it is one of the means by which the EU can achieve its ambitious 20-20-20 targets.”

The formation of the industry group comes as the European Union sets itself energy management targets by the year 2020: to reduce the output of greenhouse gases by 20%, to improve energy efficiency by 20% and to increase the percentage of renewable energy by 20%.

According to Mr. Umbach, the development of fully operational Smart Metering solutions across Europe is essential in achieving the EU targets: “These targets mean that we must change. The metering industry has already begun as we understand that Smart Metering is an essential building block for smart grids as well as Europe’s ability to create an energy infrastructure for the future, which is essential for increased energy efficiency.”

Also speaking at the event was Matti Supponen from the EU Commission, Directorate General Transport and Energy, who said: “The Commission acknowledges the benefits that Smart Metering can bring to consumers and in general welcomes all measures that promote competition and protect the interest of consumers.”

Claude Turmes, MEP, added: “The European Union has to use its economic advantage in industries like yours. Your association will be indispensible in future policy discussions.” His advice to ESMIG was to “be part of the Green deal in the EU and part of the new industrial revolution.”

ESMIG covers all aspects of Smart Metering, including electricity, gas, water, and heat measurement. Member companies cover the entire value chain from meter manufacturing, software, installation, consulting, to communications and system integration. By giving support to European Union Institutions and Member State governments the industry group aims to assist in the development of national and European-wide introduction, rollout and management of Smart Metering solutions.

ESMIG membership is open to any company supplying utility metering products or services within Europe.